
Elected Officials

West Bath Select Board:
Kathleen Lavallee, Chair
(207) 844-3330
Suzanne Andresen
(207) 443-3314
Madelyn Hennessey
(207) 443-9435
State of Maine
1 State House Station, Augusta ME 04333
(207) 287-3531
County of Sagadahoc: District 3
Arrowsic · Georgetown · Phippsburg · Richmond · West Bath · Woolwich
752 High Street, Bath, ME 04530
(207) 443-8202
House of Representatives: District 53
Arrowsic · Dresden · Georgetown · Phippsburg · West Bath
Room 333 State House
2 State House Station, Augusta ME
(207) 319-4396 TTY (207) 287-4469
Congress of the United States
1st District, Maine
1 Silver Street, Waterville, ME 04902
(207) 873-5713
United States Senate
133 Hart Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-5344
Senate District 23
Arrowsic · Bath · Bowdoin · Bowdoinham · Dresden · Georgetown
Phippsburg · Richmond · Topsham, West Bath · Woolwich
3 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333
(207) 443-4660
United States Senate
413 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 · (202) 224-2623


Population:  1,910  (2020 Census)
Area:  11.8 sq miles of land (3.2 sq miles of water)
Longitude:  W 69:51:35
Latitude: N 43:52:30


Active Voter Party Affiliation as of November 8, 2022:
Democrat: 618 • Republican: 534 • Green Independent: 89 • Libertarian: 2
Voters NOT enrolled in a party: 603
Total Registered Voters: 1850