
Historical Society
A volunteer organization dedicated to improving our town’s sense of community. Our mission:
- Preserve the history and the traditions of West Bath, Maine
- Identify, research, and record locations of historical sites, buildings, and artifacts
- Identify, record, and catalog photos and the written and oral history of West Bath
- Publish a historical and current events newsletter, The Middle Ground
- Serve as a resource for the West Bath School and Patten Free Library’s History Room
- Hold free events with historical content for members and the community
This year's WBHS Scholarship was presented to Sophie Booth
As part of that mission, we have spearheaded the challenging restoration of West Bath’s two important historical buildings: Old West Bath Meeting House located at 680 Berry’s Mill Road, and Littlefield School at 363 Berry’s Mill Road. For both those efforts we enjoyed a great deal of community support, both financially and with volunteer efforts.
We thank The Town and its citizens for continued support of our efforts. We encourage you to become involved with the West Bath Historical Society by:
Joining us as a WBHS Member or volunteer
(application link below or pick up a form at the Town Offices)
Making a donation
- Researching or writing for The Middle Ground, or with an oral history project (by interviewing, transcribing, or being interviewed), or helping design and present a program
- Joining building restoration and preservation (cleaning, painting, carpentry, etc.)
- Guiding visitors or contributing refreshments at Open Houses
- Helping with outreach for educational programs
Join the West Bath Historical Society and receive our publication, The Middle Ground
West Bath Historical Society Membership Application