Select Board
The West Bath Select Board meet on the first and third Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. In the event that a regularly scheduled meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting will postponed to a future date to be determined by the Municipal Officers. If you have an issue you would like the Board to Address please email the Town Administrator or call 443-4342.
To find out when the next scheduled meeting is check the Meeting Schedule.
The Board is comprised of three officers, elected to three year terms. Terms are staggered so that a seat on the Board is up for election each year. The Board elects a Chair each year. The Select Board is responsible for all board and committee appointments and also act as the Board of Assessors and Overseers. The Select Board is responsible for conducting the Town's assessing duties, which the Selectmen complete by hiring a professional Assessing Agent. The Board hires a Town Administrator to oversee town employees and day-to-day operations.
Click here for Select Board meeting videos.
Municipal Officers:
Kathleen Lavallee • 844-3330